Griffith Business students who recently attended an industry networking event at Parliament House said the opportunity was incredibly valuable and would help advance their career prospects.
The 2021 Industry Networking Night ‘Transitioning into the Workforce’ was organised by students, for students.
Both the Gold Coast and Nathan chapters of the Griffith University Government and International Relations Society co-ordinated the event, which was sponsored by Sam O’Connor MP and attended by around 130 people, including 34 industry representatives.

Bachelor of Asian Studies student Amber Jones
Bachelor of Asian Studies student Amber Jones said the turnout, which included US Vice-Consul Joshua Trinidad, Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick MP and representatives from DFAT, the LGAQ and Queensland Government department, was amazing.
“I came along because I was looking to network and I am really interested in going into diplomacy and international relations when I graduate,” she said.
“It was a mixture of Griffith, industry professionals, politicians, a great bunch of people, really diverse.”

Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Government and International Relations student Joshua Waterfall
Joshua Waterfall is completing dual Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Government and International Relations degrees and agreed it was a great chance to meet people in the industry.
“When you come to events like this, you can really meet people who are doing the same thing you’re doing and are interested in the same things you are,” he said.
“It’s a great way to get to know people and also help network and advance your career or even find careers you are interested in by talking to people who are in them.”
Griffith alumnus, former Labor leader in Brisbane City Council and now Manager of Intergovernmental Relations and Special Projects at LGAQ, Shayne Sutton, was also at the event, along with 2020 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Government and International Relations graduate Brianna Bailey, now an Electorate Officer in the Queensland Parliament.

2020 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Government and International Relations graduate Brianna Bailey
“Government and international relations is actually such a broad degree, you’re not looking at just politics or just international relations but government permeates every aspect of our lives,” Brianna explained.
“You will find that having a good understanding of government is important for every industry, and that’s why we have so many people (at this event) because they all recognise that.
“A lot of the internships I got throughout University were actually through networking (which) helped me in my career path, but those skills that I got from networking were really important in my interviews, and in my actual career.
“When you meet other colleagues or you’re out in the community talking to people, the skills from networking, and understanding how to talk to people face to face basis are absolutely necessary.”