Griffith University has again been recognised as a leader in Nursing and Midwifery education and research, securing second position globally in the prestigious ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2021.

School of Nursing and Midwifery researchers conduct trials with social robots to provide comfort to dementia patients.
Hospitality and Tourism subjects in Griffith’s Business School were also ranked in the Top Five worldwide.
The University’s Marine and Ocean Engineering was listed as the second best in Australia and in the top 20 globally.
Top 100 debutants from Griffith in 2021 include Dentistry and Oral Sciences, which was ranked number two in Australia, and Energy Science and Engineering.
Griffith’s Education course scored equal fourth in Australia, while Computer Science and Engineering, Geography, and Water Resources also placed in the top 100 in the world.
In all, 10 Griffith subjects were ranked in Top 100 globally, up from nine in 2019.

Professor Ann Bonner.
Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery Professor Ann Bonner said she was incredibly pleased to see Griffith’s research strengths in nursing and midwifery recognised at number two globally and number one in Australia for a second year in a row.
“Our ongoing achievements demonstrate the depth and quality of our research, which focuses on improving the healthcare outcomes of our community,” Professor Bonner said.
“Both students and staff are proud to be affiliated with a School of Nursing and Midwifery that is consistently recognised for its international reputation.”
School of Nursing and Midwifery Senior Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow Dr Jamie Ranse said academics at the forefront of nursing research and policy development were drawn to Griffith due to its stellar reputation.

Dr Jamie Ranse.
“Griffith University has a research enabling environment, where global leading nurses are undertaking research that has a direct impact on the health and well-being of the community,” Dr Ranse said.
“Nurses make contributions in health policy, health direction, health security and in the general well-being of communities.
“The past 18 months, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has demonstrated that nurses are not only clinicians at a patient’s bed-side, but are also contributors to a global health agenda.”
Dr Ranse recently led the Queensland Government’s Industry Framework for COVID-19 Safe Events.
The ShanghaiRanking also rated Griffith number one in Australia for Hospitality and Tourism Management, and Law (including criminology).
Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management Acting Deputy Head of Department Associate Professor Kevin Filo said Tourism and Hospitality at Griffith had always been highly regarded.

Associate Professor Kevin Filo.
“We have a rich tradition that has set us up for success,” he said.
“Our close alignment with the Griffith Institute for Tourism puts us in a unique position with regard to research.
“In addition, we are extremely fortunate to have phenomenal Higher Degree Research students who push our research in innovative and impactful directions.
“The defining characteristic of our program is the people: our incredibly hard working staff, our remarkable students and researchers, our brilliant alumni who continue to give back to the program and our extremely supportive industry partners all collectively define our program.”
Head and Dean of Law Associate Professor Therese Wilson said Griffith’s number one ranking in Law was a great testament to the hard work of researchers across the Law and Criminology disciplines at Griffith, as well as the significant and impactful achievements of graduates.
“This ranking recognises our excellence in terms of research and in nurturing the next generation of excellent lawyers, criminologists and academics derived from our commitment to social justice and wanting to achieve positive change in the world,” Associate Professor Wilson said.