Griffith education studentTaylor Smith was part of thehistoricBrisbane Lions AFLWPremiership team,but the elite athletecut shorthervictorycelebrations to hit the books.
“I’m just as passionate aboutmy studies and becoming a teacher as playing football,” she said.
“I’m enjoying having the best of both worlds at the moment.”
Taylorstarted her sporting career as a heptathlete, training attheGriffith UniversityGold Coast campus track,andhas only been playing AFLW for the past four years.
The 21-year-old forward ruck made her club debut with the Lions thisyearand admits she still has a lot to learn.
“I know a lot of my teammates have been playing footy since they were kids and dreaming about a premiership win their whole lives, so it’s pretty surreal,” she said.
“I’m still learning, but I’m so proud to be helping set up the code for future generations of women.
“We’re the first Brisbane Lions AFLW team to win a premiership, so it’s a big piece of history.”
Taylor was inspired to embark on a Bachelor of Education after working with Indigenous communities as part of the AFLW outreach program.
“Going into schools and working with the kids helped merealisemy passion for teaching,” she said.
“I love seeing the impact you can make in kids’ lives and inspire them to aim for something bigger.”
Taylorcombineshersports career with full-time study and a part-time job in retail, soit’sno surprise she nominates time management andorganisationalskills asher secret weapons.
School of Education senior lecturer Dr Sue Whatman said an elite sports career was good preparation for life as a teacher.
“Particularly in a relatively new sport like AFLW, the players need to be so self-directed, disciplined and good at juggling — all skills that are so valuable as a teacher,” she said.
Dr Whatman said Taylor was likely to cause waves during her first professional experience placement.
“I think a lot of the kids will know who she is… she’ll be a bit of a celebrity out onprac, and it will be a real thrill for them to have her in the classroom.”
TaylorsaidGriffith Sports College hadhelped herjugglethe demands ofsport and study.
“Without the support of the Griffith Sports College, I wouldn’t have beenable to do this,” she said.
“It’sreally important forathletes to have that support network.”
Griffithhas the highest number of student athletes in Australia,and theSports College helps more than600 studentsbalance the demands of elite sport and university life each year.
There are currently more than65 professional athletes juggling study and sport across AFL, AFLW, netball, cricket and rugby.
Griffith Sports College ManagerNaomi McCarthyOAMsaidfemale professional athletes often had a tougher journey than their male counterparts, with shorter contracts and less money.
“It’s not uncommon for professionals in the AFLW to be holding down a day job or study,so it’s vital that they have a support network,” McCarthy said.
“We are proud to help female athletes juggle study with playing at the highestlevels andhelp champion equality in sport.
“The Sports College works withclubs to support theathletes and understand what they need.
“That can be as simple as helping design a course load, to working out timetabling clashes ororganisingtutoring.”