Griffith University has partnered with Social Good Outpost and the Young Entrepreneurs & Leaders Speaker Series to deliverNext Gen Policy Change,a week-long programof engaging digital eventsfor students, young professionals and changemakers ahead of the Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG) Conference in Brisbane.

Dr Elise Stephenson
CuratorandGriffith’s 2020 Outstanding Young Alumnus,Dr Elise StephensonsaidNext Gen Policy Changewouldexploretopicalissues through a series of targeteddiscussions withkey young professionalsand expertsacross theSouth East Asianregion.
“It’s all about exploring the big issues for change around the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)and having important conversations around ‘what’s next’ for policy across Australia and Southeast Asia,”Dr Stephensonsaid.
“Some issues–whether environmental, social, or otherwise–can seem insurmountable.
“From climate change, to mental health, youth inclusion, and economic recovery,we are looking togenerate ideas around how we can build back better after COVID-19.
“For instance,one of the sessions focuses onhow wemightuse entrepreneurial and policy levers to make change.
“More than ever, the health and prosperity of our communities is linked to the health of workforces, society, and our planet. Moving forward in these uniquely uncertain times will come by exploring entrepreneurship and policy entrepreneurship.”
Inspirational speakers at the event will include
- Yip PinXiu– Singaporean Paralympian and ex-nominated member of Parliament
- BenAbbatangelo– Storyteller, former professionalcricketerandformerdeputy CEO of AIME
- Tiffany McDonald – Australia’s High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam
- HayleyMcQuire– Co-founder and National Coordinator of the National Indigenous Youth Education Coalition
- VirakOu– one of Cambodia’s most prominent and principled political analysts and human rights activists
- Ash Streeter – Founder of Raise Our Voices Australia, named ACT Woman of the Year 2018 and listed in the Forbes 30 Under 30
- Cathy Hunt – Executive Director, Women of the World Festival
One of Griffith’s expert voicesand Director of the University’s Policy Innovation Hub,Professor Susan Harris Rimmer,willaddressthe opening event on Monday 8 February,where she willframethenext ‘decade of action’.
Fromhelping create the Australian Ambassador for Women and Girls role todriving inclusion at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games,Professor Harris Rimmer has been at the forefront ofmyriadsocialand policychange.

Professor Susan Harris Rimmer
“Social change in my experience comes from being linked to social movements, understanding megatrends and seizing transitional moments,” ProfessorHarrisRimmer said.
“I want to help the next generation to be propositionalandelevate their ambition, knowingthat they have power to effect change.
“We will talk about the set of tools to have in your toolkit,designed to wield influence in the pursuit of human rights.”
Supported by the Australian Government and Australia-ASEAN Council, Next Gen Policy Change will deliver a suite of engaging digital events across the region.
All events are free and open to the public — register in advance or watch on the day viatheFacebook Livestream.
Details ofall individualspeakers can befound