Professor Liz Burd will join Griffith University as Deputy Vice Chancellor Education in February 2021 following the retirement of Professor Debra Henly at the end of this year.
She will make the move north from her current role as Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching at the University of Newcastle. Previously she was Dean of Undergraduate Education at the University of Durham and Director of the UK’s Centre for Excellence: Active Learning in Computing.

Professor Liz Burd
Professor Burd works at the interface between computer science and education and has built a significant reputation in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning.
Her unique mix of skills and experience around the creation of a technology enhanced campus is expected to deliver a wealth of exciting new initiatives and opportunities at Griffith.
“I’m excited to be joining Griffith, an institution where itsstaff clearly recognise the value of an exceptional student experience,” she saidahead of her commencement.
“2020 has been a difficult year for so many reasons, yet the challenges we have overcome have highlighted how academia can be reactive, innovative and agile.
“Working collaborativelywith Griffith’s community I’m looking forward to using these recent learnings to create an excellent university experience fit for the future.”
At the University of Durham Professor Burd led a 20 strong research team. As a software engineer, her research has led to many industry collaborationsincluding IBM, Microsoft, British Telecommunication, BAe, and Logica.
She has receivedmore than $15 million in funding towards research, published over 60 articles on software engineering and 30 on computing education.
Professor Burd has also received many awards, including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award in 2008, and a UK National Teaching Fellowship in 2009.
She has also served on the IEEE Education Board for five years, on the IEEE Board of Governors of the Computer Society for 5 years and has beena Director for the IEEE Board for the last 2 year.