Recent Law graduate Chloe Aus is making a difference in Sydney, practising as a lawyer and working with Amnesty International Australia as an Ambassador of the My New Neighbour campaign, advocating for a fairer refugee community sponsorship program.

‘I have always been interested in human rights, in fact, it was my main reason as to why I decided to study law. I always knew that once I finished my law degree I would get involved in human rights work.’

The My New Neighbour campaign is a neighbourhood and community-led solution to help refugees who are seeking to rebuild their lives in Australia.

‘A fairer sponsorship program would allow Australians and their communities to support refugees in coming to Australia and settle safely into the community.’

Currently, the Federal Government is reviewing the current program and Amnesty International Australia are gathering public submissions to show their support in the campaign, ‘By growing visible support in your community, organisation or local council, we will effectively send our federal government a clear message: that our communities are serious about creating safer ways for people, especially refugees, to rebuild their lives in Australia.’

The Griffith Law School is proud to support the My New Neighbour campaign, and Chloe hopes that more students will join the movement to advocate for a stronger and fairer refugee sponsorship program.

‘Anyone can get involved in this campaign just by spreading awareness. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to get involved in this initiative and human rights organisation. I hope through my involvement I can help assist Amnesty in rallying strong support and awareness for refugee rights.’

Chloe graduated with her Bachelor of Laws degree in early 2020, ‘My experience at Griffith Law School has been a very positive one. I loved how the law school prioritised practicality over a more theoretical approach in teaching the law. Through my time at the Griffith, I was able to make amazing friends and interact with brilliant professors.’

For more information on the campaign visit:

Or you can contact Chloe directly on social media:

Instagram: @lawerchloeaus
LinkedIn: Chloe Aus