Entries are once again open for students to apply for Griffith Business School’s 2020 Co-curricular Awards, which recognise outstanding co-curricular achievements and provide students with cash prizes and accolades.

The available awards this year are the Leadership Award, the Sustainability Award, the Community Service Award and the BusinessPLUS Award.

When alumnus Madeleine Jackson won Griffith Business School’s Sustainability Award in 2019, she was filled with a sense of pride and validation for all her work. The School’s Sustainability Award recognises an undergraduate student who demonstrates an outstanding commitment to sustainability, including social, environmental or business sustainability..

“Working hard and then being rewarded, I felt like I was being seen,” Madeleine says. “It’s a wonderful feeling.

“Plus with our current climate, having an award that encourages people to be more environmentally and sustainably conscious is a wonderful motivator. I haven’t come across another award like this for students to be practicing sustainability and I think this award could entice people to do so.”

In addition to the cash prize of $500, Madeleine, who studied a Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management, also relished the opportunity to put the award on her list of achievements so future employers could see what’s really important to her. “It was great knowing it would go on my resume, to really showcase the unseen work, all the ‘nitty gritty’, the effort, time and energy that was put into all the activities… It really encouraged me to keep going. I think the Awards are a great motivator for students.”

She encourages all students to apply for these awards, as they can give you a big confidence boost, as well as add to your employability.

“It can be easy to sit back and be humble about your achievements, or you can be your own hype person and remind yourself that you are allowed to be acknowledged and celebrated for your work,” she says. “I think sometimes there’s a bit of stigma around cheering for yourself but in five years time, your most consistent cheerleader still hanging around, is you. So go for it!”

To apply for the Griffith Business School Co-Curricular Awards, see here for more information.