Thinking of applying to study at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University? Applying to university can be a confusing and daunting process, so we’ve asked current students from the Conservatorium to share their top tips to help you with the process.

Just do it!
The Conservatorium is a place of learning and the panel are looking for students who bring in a diverse range of qualities to the Conservatorium. Just take the leap and apply.

This year’s audition process has changed! So, make sure to read all the requirements and watch the videos relating to applications and auditions. This includes audition material you must prepare, accompanist requirements, portfolio requirements, video auditions, cost, etc. Visit Queensland Conservatorium’s audition information page for a breakdown of the requirements. Be sure to check application closing dates as they may vary.

Get organised now!
This year, applicants must submit an audition video. So, don’t wait until the last minute to get organised! We’ve created a video audition checklist to ensure you upload your submission correctly and with confidence.

Musical theatre student Danielle Remulta shares her advice to students below!

As the saying goes, “Preparation is key”! The more confident you are with your audition pieces, the more you can enjoy your audition day! Know your pieces back to front and make sure you can sing your songs in your sleep. Showing your best self can shine out of how prepared and confident you are in the room!

Start planning ahead and make sure you’re available for audition week! Try not to schedule things during that time, and move things around if you can. You will want every part of you to focus on the audition and not be distracted.

Do your research
This year, Open House is taking place online until 1 October. This gives you more time and freedom to explore our degrees, student life, and support services from home. Our academics are online every Tuesday and Thursday from 4 — 6 pm, which gives you the perfect opportunity to talk to us one on one.

Explore the Conservatorium
Head to our virtual reality page to get a tour of our South Bank campus! Another great way to explore the Con is by visiting our Life at the Conservatorium series where current students share their experience and advice to future students.

For all application and audition information check out Queensland Conservatorium’s audition requirements.


Good luck!


Contributions by Nikhil Deo, Kate Bye and Sky Kim.