Griffith Business School has launched the 2020 Queensland Business Monthly Griffith MBA Responsible Leadership Scholarshipcompetition, again offering a full scholarship worth about $54,000 and a half-scholarship as part of the $130,000 prize pool.

MBA Director Associate Professor Stephanie Schleimer said the Business School hoped to attract candidates that espouse Griffith values in the ways they lead.

“2020 will be a vital year for this competition as value-based leadership has never been more important than now”

Associate Professor Stephanie Schleimer

“2020 will be a vital year for this competition as value-based leadership has never been more important than now,” Associate Professor Schleimer said.

“The coronavirus pandemic has given society a timely warning about our sustainability and a renewed awakening about the fragile eco-system of our planet.

“Value-based and responsible thinking and acting when it comes to business is more important than ever and business education must lead this movement.

“The Griffith MBA is centred around these three core values, designed to enrich students with skills to lead a better world.”

Ryan Thomas

MBA graduate Ryan Thomas, an Organisational resilience specialist and business strategist at Powerlink Queensland, said his Griffith Business School qualifications came to the fore in recent months.

“The skills that I acquired in leadership, innovation and systems thinking were thoroughly tested in the recent COVID-19 pandemic, where I played a leadership role in elements of the response and recovery for my organisation and the broader industry sector,” he told Queensland Business Monthly.

“The business networking and ongoing collaboration has provided professional links and enduring relationships that I continue to nurture and leverage for positive outcomes.”

Thomas said he decided to study an MBA to progress his career.

“I previously worked as a critical-care paramedic and performed leadership roles in disaster response deployments throughout Queensland and internationally,” he explained.

“I wanted to transition to a role that guided businesses to become more resilient; therefore, I decided to study an MBA to compliment my existing knowledge and experience.

“As I explored my options it became evident that leadership, strategy, culture and innovation were instrumental for businesses to drive positive and sustainable outcomes in a world that is facing perpetual change and uncertainty.

“Embarking on an MBA was to support my career transition by enhancing capabilities in business literacy, corporate leadership and strategy.

“The experience far exceeded my expectations.”

“The interactive approach to lectures led by highly qualified and experienced course conveners promoted discussion, and provided opportunities to learn from the diverse student group with backgrounds from various industry sectors.”

Johanna Marsh, Griffith Business School alumnus and winner of the 2019 QBM Griffith MBA Responsible Leadership Scholarship

Last year’s full Scholarship winner Johanna Marsh has now completed three subjects towards her MBA and is thoroughly enjoying the experience.

“After seven years away from study I thought that dipping my toe in with just one subject would help with the adjustment and the juggle of a crazy work schedule and post-graduate studies,” the Senior Associate at Infrastructure Advisory Group said.

“After learning how to “learn” again, I decided to take on two subjects for Trimester 1 of 2020, choosing Sustainability and Systems Thinking, and Accounting and Reporting, and can honestly say that I loved them both.

“The lecturers, Professor Nick Barter and Melissa Georgiou, were highly engaging and focused on generating robust discussions amongst the class.

“These discussions often revolved around real-world examples, students’ personal and professional experiences, and more recently the impacts of COVID-19 on the environment and the economy.

“I found that learning through discussion and debate — informed by Nick and Mel’s technical expertise — was fantastic.”

“Over the last few years, the competition has attracted professionals from many different industry sectors and paths of life,” Associate Professor Schleimer said.

“Despite the diversity of backgrounds, candidates all share our core values in the ways that they lead in their respective sectors.”

Find out how to apply for a full MBA scholarship and other scholarships worth up to $130,000 at

Competition registrations close Wednesday 2 September 2020.