Industry change-maker Communications alumnus Alanna Bastin-Byrne is the Director of Femeconomy, a national membership organisation that educates how purchasing decisions can create gender equality.

Femeconomy’s approved companies have at least 30% women on the Board of Directors or 50% female ownership, ‘Companies with female leaders are more likely to have workplace flexibility and less likely to have a gender pay gap, helping to create gender equality for their employees and communities.’

‘Griffith University taught me to innovate. Using purchasing decisions to advance gender equality is a new solution to a global issue. It also complements gender equality strategies within corporate, government and not-for-profit organisations. My communications and marketing has background has enabled Femeconomy to gain traction and build a community of change makers.’

Increasing the visibility of female leadership has contributed to their business success, ‘We have delivered Government partnerships such as, The National NAIDOC Ebook — Because of Her, We Can, Queensland Voices and the Femeconomy Connection Program which helps support predominantly rural and regional female business leaders.’

Alanna has been involved with a number of community-based activities to extend the Femeconomy ethos, including a TEDx Talk, mentorships and guest speaking,‘I strive to inspire and create positive outcomes for the wider community, through activities that create change for good.’

Femeconomy recently partnered with the 30% Club to produce the Creating Gender Equality through Procurement Toolkit and Policy to assist organisations on the gender equality journey.

With years of industry experience in both international and national markets, she has welcomed student interns to support their growth, development, and provide her skills and knowledge in the sector. ‘My Griffith University internship was instrumental in building my industry network and securing my first position in my communications career. I saw it as my responsibility to give other Griffith students that same opportunity. Sometimes this was a formal placement through the university. Other times it was meeting with current students for a coffee, so they could ask about my career, to help guide their own path.’

‘My advice for prospective students wanting to study Communications is that it allows you to have a rewarding and diverse career. You can experience so many different industries that align to your purpose. You are continuously learning as the way we receive and use communication evolves. And, if you ever want to start your own business, you will develop skills that you definitely need to build your audience.’