Recent news that Griffith Business School courses in Hospitality and Tourism Management have been ranked first in Australia and third globally has been celebrated by staff and students.
The ShanghaiRankings, released in late June, ranked the business school courses best in the country, alongside the university’s Nursing and Midwifery and Law (including Criminology) degrees.
Fourth-year Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of International Tourism Management student Isabella Jensen said the rankings result gave her confidence in her course.
“It justifies and reinforces the learnings that we’re doing,” she said.
“It also goes to show just how special all the opportunities are that we have been given.”

Fourth-year Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of International Tourism Management student Isabella Jensen worked at the 2018 Commonwealth Games as part of her studies
“I’m in my fourth and final year at the moment and throughout that time I’ve had so many opportunities, both domestic and international, to study tourism.
“I got to work at theCommonwealth Gamesas they came about in my secondyearatuniand then lastyearI got the chance to goto India and study eco-tourism over there, because of our partnerships, sothe alliances we have with all different tourism bureaus around the world has beenreally beneficial.”
Isabella admits that graduating in the time of a pandemic has changed the landscape somewhat, but for the better.
“Although it is looking a bit more confusing at the moment there are so many more opportunities coming up, so I hope to go overseas once things start to open back up …. and help to build the tourism industry back up worldwide,” she said.

Griffith University Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans
“It isalmost opening up more opportunitiesand pathwaysfor different things that I didn’t even knowabout, and jobs and tasks that I wouldn’t even realise to be possible beforehand sothe prospects that are coming upare actually exciting.
“I’m really interested in sustainable development for tourism…… especially in rural communities, that’s whatI’m looking towards.”
Griffith President and Vice ChancellorProfessor Carolyn Evanssaid the ShanghaiRankings recognition was a very strong result.
“As a university, Griffith has performed exceptionally well against both its Australian and international counterparts,” Professor Evans said.
Read more about how Griffith performed across all subject areas.