High achieving high school students keen to study at Griffith in 2021 will be eligible for 80 new Sir Samuel Griffith scholarships worth up to $24,000 each.

Professor Debra Henly
Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Debra Henly said the University recognised the increased pressure on 2020 high school graduates, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“From July Griffith will offer 80 Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarships to academically gifted students who demonstrate qualities including leadership, civic responsibility and social awareness,” Professor Henly said.
“We encourage school principals to nominate select students for the scholarships, which will start next year and be offered to students who accept a place in a degree program at Griffith in 2021.”
Positive feedback
Feedback on the new scholarships has been positive. They will be awarded to successful students in October.
“We strongly believe in pursuing knowledge to make a powerful difference in the world, which means we love to see initiatives that encourage well rounded development of our people, academically, socially and personally,” Executive Principal of Brisbane State High School (BSHS) Wade Haynes said.
“It is not uncommon to find our students at risk of disengaging from their learning pathways as a result of social and economic stresses and constraints,” Principal Park Ridge State High School Sharon Amos said.
“Programs and initiatives that support our students to maintain a stable lifestyle, while engaging in post school study opportunities, are invaluable commodities within our community.
“Through innovative and targeted initiatives, such as the Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarships, our students have the means to successfully transition to university at the completion of their school studies.”
Eligibility criteria for the scholarships include demonstrated high academic achievement with a Queensland ATAR over 95.50.
In addition to financial support, successful recipients will automatically gain membership to the Griffith Honours College.Designed for high achieving students, it provides enriching experiences exclusive to the College where students develop skills in high demand by employers – leadership, teamwork, communication, community engagement, intellectual curiosity and the development of research and work skills.
Other pathways to study
Griffith continues to support a number of pathways to university study, with a long tradition of recognising the skills and knowledge gained through VET programs as a highly effective route to tertiary education.
The University continues to accept Certificate III, IV and Diplomas as a stand-alone pathway to university, direct from high school completion, with guaranteed admission to some of its most popular programs.
“Griffith always puts students first, ensuring those that enter University after a particularly tough Year 12 experience have the academic ability to succeed,” Professor Henly said.
“We encourage students to work hard, achieve their best and pursue offers based on their Year 12 results.”
School principals can learn more about the opportunity offered by the Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarships online.