Griffith University has announcedfurtherinvestment in itsCOVID-19 Student Support Bursary and arangeofothermeasuresto help studentsin recognition of the significant need among its domestic and international student community.
The Bursaryhas now been increased to $5min 2020, witha proportion oftheadditional funds to come from the University’sSenior Executive, whohavevolunteereda pay reduction of 20per centfor six months.
More than $2mhas already been dispersed tohelp vulnerablestudents transition to online study.
Whatamountsto a20 per cent reduction in international student feesfor Trimester 2has also contributedto the University’sfinancial support measureswhile$1.8mis being provided inequity scholarships and supportforIndigenous students.

Griffith University Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans.
Griffith UniversityVice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evanssaid the University was committed to helpingas manystudentsas possiblethrough this difficult time.
“Over the course of my career, I have never seen a more difficult time for students, with many losing their only source of income to support themselves”
“Over the course of my career, I have never seen a more difficult time for students, with many losing their only source of income to support themselves,” Professor Evans said.
Professor Evanssaid the university’s international student population had beenhitparticularlyhard by the crisis.
“International studentshave beenunable to access federal governmentsupport,and many have lost part-time jobs as a result of COVID 19, while their families at home have also been affected and are unable to provide financial support.
“Going home is also not necessarily possible due to travel restrictions and limited flights.”
Griffith Vice President (Global)Professor Sarah Toddsaidthe Universitywould notstand by and watch members of its community suffer significant hardship.
“We hope thisadditionalfinancial support goes some way to alleviating the anxiety and hardship our students areenduringat this time.”

Naseema Mustapha, Griffith University COVID-19 Student Support Bursary recipient.
More than 2200 domestic and international students havenowreceived COVID 19 support bursarieswith200 studentsborrowinga computer througha newcomputerloan programto ensure they can continue their studies.
The University received thousands of applications for theinitial round of thebursary scheme withthe next roundtoopen in early May.
NoFail gradeswill be recordedon academic records this trimester, ensuring the grade will not be included in calculations of a students’ Grade Point Average (GPA).
As well as providing support directly, Griffithisworkingwithits student representative bodies,Study Gold Coast, Study Brisbane and Study Queensland,plusother community organisations, to provide additional counselling services, meals, food hampers, vouchers for groceriesand emergency accommodation.
“The support from our local communities has been incredible, from the restaurants which have donated meals through to families that have offered to take an international student into their homes,” Professor Todd said.
Public donations towardsthe University’sCOVID 19 support bursary can bemade