As digital disruption becomes a reality, the ability toanalysevast quantities of data to extract relevant intelligence and assess threats to information security is fast becoming an essential skill for commercial and government sectors.
With this in mind, GriffithUniversity’sSchool of Information and Communication Technologyhas launched two new online Graduate Certificates inCyber SecurityandData Analytics and Cyber Security.
“With cyber-attacks an ever-present risk for both business and government, these timely degrees will provide thespecialisedskills to examine and investigate cyber-crime,’’ School of ICT HeadProfessor Paulo de Souzasaid.

Professor Paulo De Souza
“Using the latest digital forensic tools and techniques, students will learn how to identify cyber security risks and combat threats on information security.”
“Griffith University is proud to be offering theseGraduateCertificates as part of the Federal Government’spackage to support those who may have been made redundant due to the COVID-19 crisis,” Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Debra Henly said.
“Our School of Information and Communication Technology has a strong record in offering high quality and industry focused programs accredited by the Australian Computer Society.”
The combined Data Analytics and Cyber Security program will further provide students with crucial data science, management and cyber security skills that can be applied to a broad range of business and commercial scenarios.
Students who complete these courses will be uniquely qualified to identify current and future trends in cyber-crime,analysethebehavioursand motivations of cyber criminals and assess the effectiveness of cyber-crime mitigation strategies.
TheGraduateCertificates inCyber SecurityandData Analytics and Cyber Securityare available fully online and can be undertaken full-time (studying two courses at time in six-week blocks) and completed in October 2020.
TheGraduateCertificate in Cyber Security is also a solid pathway to delve further into the Cyber Security or Data Analytics field, with the potential to progress intoaMaster program.
“In this data heavy, cyber dependent age, the ability to apply these specialised skills to securing business data, to uncover patterns and generate valuable insights into operations and decision making, is a sure way to a future-proof career,” Professor Henly said.