Griffith University research projects have received close to $6.8 million in funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
Announced in early December by the Federal Minister for Health, The HonourableGreg Hunt MP, five projects from across the health and medical science fields received grantstotalling $6,795,584. They were among 400 plus new research projects sharing in $427 million in NHMRC funding.
Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) Professor Andrea Bishop said the funding would strengthen a range of important research projects andaffirmsthe University’s standing as a leading research institutionthat delivers research outcomes of real consequence.
“This funding supports both ongoing and new projects in the University across a wide range of health disciplines,’’ she said.
The grants
NHMRC Ideas Grants
Associate Professor James St John,Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD)Menzies Health Institute Queensland (MHIQ)will lead a Griffith team awarded $715,060.00 for the projectSelf-assembling, self-adhering nerve bridges for large gap peripheral nerve injuries(Associate Professor Jenny Ekberg, DrMatthew Barton, Dr Brent McMonagle, MHIQ).

Associate Professor James St John
Professor Suresh Mahalingam,Menzies Health Institute Queensland (MHIQ)has been awarded $905,080.00 for the projectHow alphaviruses cause chronic, persistent joint disease(Professor Richard Bucala, Yale University, US).

Professor Suresh Mahlingham.
NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohorts Studies
ProViceChancellor(Health) ProfessorSheenaReillywill lead a team awarded $942,256.00 for the projectUnderstanding the impact of language ability on the transition from late adolescence to early adulthood: the Early Language in Victoria Study(Professor Bonnie Barber and Professor Robert Ware, Griffith University; Associate Professor Patricia Eadie, University of Melbourne; Emeritus Professor Edith Bavin, La Trobe University; Doctor PennyLevickis, Doctor Laura Conway and Doctor Fallon Cook, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute; Doctor Cristina McKean and Professor James Law, Newcastle University, UK).

Professor Sheena Reilly
Institute for Glycomics Associate Professor Kate Seibwill lead a team awarded $2,735,991.50 for the projectAmulticentrerandomisedcontrolled trial evaluating the efficacy of the meningococcal B vaccine, 4CMenB (Bexsero), against Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in gay and bisexual men(Professor Basil Donovan, Professor Andrew Grulich, Professor Matthew Law and Associate Professor Mark Polizzotto, UNSW; Professor Christopher Fairley, Monash University; Professor David Lewis, Western Sydney Local Health District; Doctor CarolineThng, Gold Coast Health; Associate Professor David Whiley, The University of Queensland; and Doctor Anna McNulty, Sydney Hospital.

Associate Professor Kate Seib
NHMRC Partnership Projects
Menzies Health Institute Queensland Professor Claire Rickardwill lead a team awarded$3.6 million forthe projectDifficult peripheral intravenous catheter insertion: Australian considerations for sustainable implementation of ultrasound-guided procedures(Associate Professor Amanda Ullman, Professor Marie Cooke, Associate Professor Joshua Burns, Griffith University; Nicole Marsh, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital; Tricia Kleidon, Jessica Schults, Queensland Children’s Hospital; Professor Gerben Keijezers(Gold Coast University Hospital); and Professor Louise Cullen (University of Queensland).

Professor Claire Rickard