Griffith University researchers are leading a project to help tourism operators worldwide reduce their carbon emissions.

Dr Rawan Nimri

Professor Susanne Becken
Professor Susanne Becken and Dr Rawan Nimri from the Griffith Institute for Tourism have been commissioned by EarthCheck, the world’s leading scientific benchmarking, certificatory and advisory group for sustainable travel and tourism, to update its greenhouse gas emissions database and accounting tool.
“The EarthCheck greenhouse gas database and accounting tool covers a wide range of emission sources — from stationary and mobile combustion to electricity and fugitive emissions — for customers looking to accurately measure their carbon footprint,’’ said Dr Nimri, whose research focuses on best practices for green hotels and low-carbon travel.
“Tourism is a huge contributor to carbon emissions and accounts for8% of emissionsworldwide with this figure rapidly rising. The hotel and accommodation sector contributes to about 21 per cent of these emissions.”
Dr Nimri said the updated greenhouse gas emissions database to be completed by the end of 2019, would help tourism operators understand how to address climate change measures and the actions that can be undertaken to help the industry respond to climate risks and opportunities.
As part of the update the researchers will review the 2019 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories database including the International Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standards and the Global Warming Potential (GWP).
EarthCheck helps its members measure, track and monitor more than 2 million tonnes of CO2e annually and operates in more than 70 countries, in six languages and across 32 sectors, affecting more than 6 million consumers every day. It specialises in advisory and certification services for the travel and tourism industry. Its greenhouse gas database and accounting tool is utilised by businesses willing to audit and manage their carbon emissions.