Griffith researcher Dr Henry Nguyen will lead a study to build the first real-time computer-generated system to fight the rise of online fake news.

Dr Henry Nguyen

“Our modern society is struggling with an unprecedented amount of online fake news, which harms democracy, economics, and national security,’’ says Dr Nguyen, from the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems, who has been awarded an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award for the study.

“Creators of fake news optimise their chance to manipulate public opinion and maximise their financial and political gains through sophisticated pollution of our information diffusion channels.

“Such attacks are driven by the advances of modern artificial intelligence and pose a new and ever-evolving cyber threat operating at the information level, which is far more advanced than traditional cybersecurity attacks at the hardware and software levels”.

The project will develop cost-effective, scaleable, robust, and streaming models to benefit media organisations and governments in monitoring fake news, reducing risks in intervention decisions, and re-emerging as guarantors ofinformation quality.

Benefits include timely alerts of fake news dissemination for the public, leading to a stable media ecosystem, protecting manufacturers from agenda-based attacks, and preventing fake news fuelled disruptions such as climate change denial, opinion manipulation, and altered election outcomes.