Griffith University will host the Design Research Society Conference (DRS2020) in Brisbane next year – the first time in more than a decade that the biennial event has been held in Australia.
DRS2020 is a major global forum to present and discuss design research, and is expected to attract the world’s best design minds. It will be hosted at Griffith’s South Bank campus and the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 11—14 August 2020.
Griffith takes the lead in promoting design excellence
DRS2020 Conference Chair Professor Ming Cheung said the conference would centre around the theme of ‘synergy’ — the coming together of people and disciplines in design research to create a positive impact.
“While design research is always future focused, 2020 is also a time for us to reflect on what social, cultural, economic, environmental, technological and policy impact the synergy within and beyond disciplines has had on our evolving field,” she said.
“With some of the world’s most talented researchers and practitioners from around the globe and across disciplines expected to meet in Brisbane and address synergy in design research, DRS2020 will see the city and Griffith University take the lead in promoting research excellence.
“Conference delegates will see our commitment to innovation and a strong knowledge economy first-hand.”
Collaborating across disciplines – call for submissions
DRS2020 invites research papers and conversation and workshop proposals related to the conference theme. It will also host a PhD Day where HDR candidates can discuss their work, receive feedback from senior researchers and participate in workshops.
According to the conference theme statement, DRS2020 provides a unique opportunity for experts across disciplines to collaborate on design research.
“While we champion the uniqueness of disciplinary knowledge and creativity, we are also optimistic about how the coming together of different mindsets, backgrounds and perspectives can realise transformative visions of the future.
“Synergy in design research provides exciting possibilities for answering multi-faceted problems, supporting stakeholder initiatives and participation, and transforming existing situations into desirable ones.
“As the influence of design research grows in academia and society globally, we question what new opportunities there are for us to work together, within and beyond our field. How do disciplines work together in design research? What new methods and tools of design do we need to realise synergistic working? How do we balance the tension between design research specialisms and the new experience design, interdisciplinary design and transdisciplinary design research spaces we find ourselves working in?”
Online submission for papers and proposals is now open. For more information, visit the DRS2020 website and follow the conference on Facebook and Twitter.