Safety Science Innovation Lab academic, Dr Tristan Casey, helped develop and implement a frontline safety leadership program with Teys Australia, which has twice been recognised at the annual National Safety Awards of Excellence: Best Safety Leadership Program Award and the coveted Pinnacle Award for Excellence in WHS.

Tristan partnered with Teys Australia as part of his PhD research, ‘While I was working at the Office of Industrial Relations, we were searching for a suitable research partner to help develop the LEAD program. We then found Teys Australia. Our model was a true tripartite collaboration between industry, academia, and state government.’

The program is based on theLEAD model, created with Prof Mark Griffin from Curtin University, and Prof Andrew Neal from UQ.

Teys trained local sites to deliver the program and supported it with CEO messaging, system improvements, additional training, and infrastructure investments.

‘Teys was eager and willing to allow us the flexibility to trial new ideas and methods of safety leadership development, and supported the program with vigour,’

‘Importantly, the LEAD model proposes that there is more than one way to manage safety, and that way should be aligned with the work situation experienced by the team.’ Tristan said.

Now in its 27th year, the National Safety Awards of Excellence is Australia’s premier safety awards and now the only national and independent awards program.

The program continues to celebrate organisations and people who contribute to the health, safety and well-being of their employees and show continuous improvement in their business performance.

Griffith’s Safety Science Innovation Lab are redefining safety in the industry, to learn more or engage in partnership visit their website: