Congratulations to the many recipients of awards that have been announced over the last quarter. Our Newsletter features some of these successful individuals, highlighting their contribution both within Griffith University and more widely by their profession.

Among the recipients are several of our international alma mater from the highly regarded Master of Training and Development, delivered in Singapore in collaboration with the Institute of Adult Learning. The two graduates have been recognised by Singapore’s National Skillsfuture award program. Graduate Colonel Sng Hock Lin received the Exemplary SkillsFuture Award for his work on Public Sector Transformation. Fellow graduate, Mr Winston Sng, was also awarded the SkillsFuture Fellowship Award. These recognitions highlight the impact of a key program in our school.

Also in the international space, we feature an exciting collaboration with the Qiushi Education Group and their Headmaster Mr Yuchao Wang. This partnership enables initial teacher education students from the School of Education and Professional Studies to engage in a 5 week immersion program in China undertaking professional experience teaching in their field in either a primary or secondary setting. Enjoy reading about the student’s experiences.