Better treatment and management of chronic diseases such as breast cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’sisone step closer with the official opening of Gold Coast Biobank at Griffith University’s Gold Coast campus this week.

Established by Menzies Health Institute Queensland (MHIQ), Gold Coast Biobank is a purpose-built bio-storage facility bridging the gap in translational clinical research.

“Biobank is an important resource where people generously donate samples that allow us to carry out research to find cures for chronic diseases,’’ said Biobank Director Professor Nigel McMillan.

“Without this we wouldn’t be able to find cures of the future.”

A first for the Southern Hemisphere, Gold Coast Biobank features an automatedbiostorage, theArktic, with the capacity of holding up to 100,000 specimens in a compact package, along withOpenSpecimen, abiostoragemanagement system.

“The facility currently holds more than 3000 samples from breast cancer patients and 1500 placenta cord specimens,’’ Professor McMillan said.

“With this state-of-the-art technology, we have the resources to improve the management of our existing samples and the capacity to take on new projects.

“MHIQ is committed to translating innovative health research into better outcomes and we are able to offer research collaboration for academics and clinicians whose work involves the collection of human tissue.”