Australia Awards scholars from Indonesia recently met in Jakarta for the final post course of their Short Term Award program, Labour Market Needs Forecasting for Education Policy, delivered by Griffith University.
The course was designed in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which requires measurable improvements in a broad set of labour market and skills indicators focusing on Indonesia.
Indonesia’s labour market is transforming at a rapid pace and the government has set a target to raise the per capita GDP to $15,000 by 2025. Human capital development, including the ability to address emerging needs in skills development and mismatches in supply and demand for skills, plays an important role in this development.
The post-course session included a ‘Road to Indonesian Development (IDF) Symposium Event bringing together Indonesian ministries, the Australian Embassy, Labour market experts, and the Australia Awards participants for a dialogue surrounding the future of work.
With the key theme of ‘The future of work and the skills imperative: Global, Australian and Indonesia perspectives’, the symposium offered a unique opportunity for scholars to engage in interactive sessions and learn from industry leaders.

Presentation at the Symposium
Over three days, the scholars had the opportunity to network with industry leaders and further develop their professional and technical knowledge from the skills developed during their time in Australia.
On the final day of the post-course, scholars presented their major projects to the Griffith University academics and fellow AAI peers, focusing on achieving project objectives, challenges overcome and remaining and linkages and networks from Australia that have endured since the Australian component.
The course was delivered in three phases consisting of a three-day pre-course held in Indonesia during February 2019, a two-week Australian component in May, and the recent post-course.
Learning materials and assessment pieces were established to address pre-existing challenges in the Indonesian labour market such as high youth unemployment, persistent informality and persistent gender and income inequalities.
A constant focus on an innovation-driven economy and the widening gap between the data handling needs of employers and digitally deficient labour pools was also maintained as a key priority throughout the program.

Australia Awards scholars from Indonesia and symposium attendees pose for a group photo
This Australia Awards Scholarship – Short Term Award was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
Australia Awards are prestigious international Scholarships (postgraduate courses (Long Term Awards) and intensive tailored short courses (Short Term Awards) and Fellowships that offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development opportunities in support of key development and foreign affairs priorities.
To find out more about the Australia Awards, particularly Australia Awards in Indonesia visit Australia Awards.