Debbie Taylor Worley started her studies at the Queensland College of Art (QCA) as a mature student with a view to improving her skills in the arts. In 2018, she graduated from a Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) with a new sense of her capabilities and potential.

“I never thought this would be possible when I first enrolled in my degree. I entered as a mature aged woman who thought I’d improve at a hobby.Instead, I gained a career in the arts as an exhibition coordinator for a Brisbane gallery, a part-time lecturer and arts workshop facilitator,and a practising artist and academic.”

Debbie connected her Indigenous heritage and European ancestry to create the work ‘Beyond Gavrinis’ for her Honours project, which investigates the universality of symbols referring to women’s business. The work was created using natural materials, utilising the forces of nature.

Debbie Taylor Worley, 'Beyond Gavrinis', 2018“I entered a portion of my Honours work into the Redlands Art Award, and was hugely encouraged when I was announced the winner!This was such a boost in confidence,not only in my ability,but it also confirmed the validity of my project,” said Debbie.

Debbie credits the Honours program at QCA for helping her to learn more about her personal strengths.

“I learnt so much about myself during my Honours year and discovered what I was really capable of: persistence, determination and courage. I’ve loved my time at QCA, both as a student and as a sessional staff member. Being among vibrant, creative people is inspirational and vision-expanding.”

Debbie plans to continue her studies, and hopes to gain her Doctorate at QCA.

“The path of research based arts practice has been exhilarating, and what I have discovered during my year of Honours study is begging to be delved into deeper,” said Debbie.

Study Honours at QCA

Queensland College of Art Honours programs provide you with a fourth year of study upon completion of your 3-year Bachelor degree. Lecturers actively encourage and support innovation and experimentation across a range of degree specialisations including Design, Fine Art, Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art, and Photography. Under the supervision of experts in your field, studying an Honours degree at QCA will help you to develop advanced levels of studio practice, theory and research; move into employment with significant expertise in your field or progress to further postgraduate study; enhance and grow your creative community and network within your area of expertise.

Find out more about studying Honours

Honours information sessions will be held in Trimester 2 at both the South Bank and Gold Coast campuses. In these sessions, the Honours Program Director, Dr Lorraine Marshalsey will assist you to write a research proposal and answer any questions. Lorraine will also be available for individual consultations during Trimester 2 and 3 to help refine your application. Applications close in January 2020 for study beginning in Trimester 1, 2020.

Attend one of these information sessions at South Bank or Gold Coast for more information:

Where: S02, room 6.37 of the Webb Centre, South Bank campus, Brisbane.
When: 3 pm onwards on Friday 19 July 2019 or Friday 13 September 2019

Where: G42, room 3.05, Gold Coast campus.
When: 10 am onwards on Tuesday 23 July 2019 or Tuesday 17 September

Contact the Honours Program Director, Dr Lorraine Marshalsey for further information.