Griffith University’s School of Education and Professional Studies (EPS) and the Griffith English Language Institute (GELI) have welcomed participants from the Building Leadership for Change through School Immersion – Cohort 3 (BLCSI) program for the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The program will be based at the largest of Griffith’s five campuses on the Gold Coast where participants will live for just under a year while studying the English language. They will also be immersed in local schools to develop their practical knowledge and interact with Australian students.

Griffith University is one of only a handful of Australian universities to host teachers in the year-long professional learning program as part of the Khebrat program under the Saudi Arabian Vision 2030. Having delivered the Khebrat Cohort 2 program in 2018, the two Griffith units are highly experienced in designing, developing and successfully implementing customised international programs.

The BLCSI participants from Saudi Arabia begin their journey in Australia

The expert team behind the course includes International Business Develop Unit Project Manager Ms Helen Bulle, Academic Coordinator for Technical Education and Director of International Relations at EPS Dr Kay Kartwig, Assistant Director of Studies (eLearning) at GELI Sarah Bissell and GELI Business Manager, Melanie Williamson.

During the recent opening ceremony, Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission representatives Dr Ghasson Olwan, Executive Manager of the BLCSI program and Mr Abdullah Almaqbel, Director of BLCSI program joined Griffith University Vice President (Global) Professor Sarah Todd to sign the BLCSI contract and officially commenced the program.

Technical knowledge and School immersion will be critical for students learning during their studies. Program delivery will include a wide range of interactive adult learning methodologies to highlight elements of modern teaching and prepare the teachers for the application of best practice teaching methods within the Australian immersion component.

Kicking off the program, participants will improve their English skills through the provision of an intensive 30-hour per week English language program for 15 weeks supplemented by Individual Professional Learning Plans and ongoing English support for Participants.

Throughout the year, participants will prepare a Return to School Project (RSP) in which they will develop an individual project to be implemented on their return to their schools in Saudi Arabia.