Some of the best names in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) research will offer valuable insight into various fields of study when Griffith University’s STEM RoadshowarrivesinToowoombaon May14.
Griffith experts withknowledge and experiencein wide-ranging STEM industries–including engineering, environmental science, aviation, IT and urban planning–will be on hand to answer prospective students’ questionsaboutthe diverse programs offered at the Brisbane, Gold Coast and Logan campuses.

PhD candidate Steven Connell.
Steven Connell grew up in Toowoomba, completing school at Toowoomba State High School in 2011. He completed a Bachelor of Photonics and Nanoscience and is now a third-year PhD candidate within the Centre for Quantum Dynamics.
His research project is the development of quantum technologies including quantum computing and communication and said it’s these exciting fields that school students with a fondness for science could aspireto, andurged them to come along and hear more at Griffith’s STEM Roadshow.
“STEM at Griffith built for me a strong foundation of knowledge, taught by world-class professors who inspired me to start my doctoral journey working on emergent quantum technologies at the cutting edge of human knowledge,” he said.
“Studying a PhD at Griffith has given me so many opportunities, from a summer school in the French Alps and an international conference in Washington DC to working with millions of dollars of equipment and being published in high-impact, international journals.
“The possibilities are near endless.”
Dr David Tuffley is a senior lecturer within the School of Information and Communication Technology, and his research interests include the social impact of AI,and in particular, employmentin the age of intelligent machines.
Dr Tuffley will present at the free after-school event and offer insights into the careers that Toowoomba secondary students can aspire to by studying at Griffith.
“It is important for families to hear about the skills they and their children will need to make themselves employable in the future. We teach that winning combination of technical and people skills,” Dr Tuffley said.

Prof David Tuffley.
“People think that if a job can be automated, it will be automated. But that is certainly not true.
“Artificial Intelligence will automate some jobs, particularly the dirty, dull or dangerous ones that people don’t want to do — everything from sewer reconnaissance to repetitive factory work.
“But some jobs will always be done by people and the reasons can vary greatly, from economic, social and even nostalgic reasons. The fact is some jobs are simply not practical for robots to do.
“When I go to the doctor, I want a human sitting across from me. I don’t want a holographic doctor who demands to know the nature of my medical emergency.
“I think there’s alotstudents now who leave school and don’t know if there’s a vocation they’re actually suited to until they get some experience – the Roadshow is a chance to get that experience,” Dr Tuffley said.
Join Griffith University and its STEM experts for an interactive and informative evening atCobb + Co Museum, 27 Lindsey St, Toowoomba.
Doors open at 3.30pm and the event runs until 6pm with presentations at 4pm and 5pm. For more details and to register,