Griffith University Architecture and Design students have put their stamp on the Gold Coast Spit Master Plan with creativedesign proposals for a linear parkand ‘makers’ workshop’ in Main Beach.

Designed by Lauren Carney.
Students Hamish Gray, CarinaSoleckhan,KirraKeating, Dane Rose, Lauren Carney,Tahlia Wrightand TimothyLancaster,created unique designs for theSouthern Gateway–the1.5km stretch of land between the Main Beach tram stop and the Gold Coast Waterways Authority in Seaworld Drive.
Each of thebolddesign proposalsseekstoredevelop the waterfront, providingan entrance to the Spit and celebratingthe area’s distinct character while linking the seaside parks to the main transportation network and places of heritage significance.
The design proposals for the Makers’ Workshop aspire to represent an investment in the future of the Gold Coast growing creative industry. The projectsemphasisethe role of architecture as a condenser for avastand diverse community.

Dr Cecilia Bischeri.
Dr Cecilia Bischeri, a lecturer at Griffith Architecture and Design and coordinator of the student’s work, said “the students fully understood the opportunity of turning this project into a homage to the unique character of Gold Coast”.
“The intrinsic relationship with the rich cultural and natural environment and strategic position of the area for the future development of the Spit lead the student’s vision.”
“The experience for the students has been of great importance.
“Theopportunity to deal with thetopicaldesignissues whichanimatethearchitecturaldebate on the future of their city has provided them with a clearer understanding on the impact and added value that the couplingof high-quality architectureand vision will have on the local community and tourists.”
DrBischerisaid the overarching scopeof the proposalsaimedtocapitaliseon the presence of leisure amenitiesinthe area and beauty of the natural environment.
In thedesigns, water sport activities hubs and anopen-airevent spacearenestled inthe lineargreenpark,which hasbeen transformedinto a destination andgateway to the new Spit development.
- Designed by Lauren Carney.
- Designed by Kirra Keating.
- Designed by Tahlia Wright.
- Designed by Tahlia Wright.
- Designed by Dane Rose.
- Designed by Tahlia Wright.
- Designed by Lauren Carney.
- Designed by Kirra Keating.
- Designed by Kirra Keating.
- Designed by Tahlia Wright.