Griffith University experts recently took part in the Australia-Eastern Indonesia Tourism Forum held in Makassar last month.

This year, the forum focused on sustainable tourism, economic factors and the changing nature of travel in the increasingly digital age.

Over two days, academics and tourism officials from across Australia and Indonesia provided a glimpse into what the future of the industry may look like.

The forum comes as Griffith International welcomes a new cohort of leaders from the Indonesia tourism sector, who will soon arrive in Australia to study Sustainable Tourism Development as Australia Awards — Short Term Awards scholars at Griffith University.

The two-day event also coincided with the Australian Government signing the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA).

Both the Australia Awards Short Term Award and tourism conference mirror the words of the IA-CEPA and assist in developing strong links between Australia and Indonesia’s tourism sectors.

Australia Awards are prestigious international Scholarships (postgraduate courses (Long Term Awards) and intensive tailored short courses (Short Term Awards) and Fellowships that offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development opportunities in support of key development and foreign affairs priorities.

During the program awardees will witness many of Australia’s key tourism locations, visiting Far North Queensland, the Sunshine Coast, the Gold Coast and Sydney.

To find out more about the forum visit the Australia Consulate-General website.