Industry leaders from across Indonesia have commenced a Short Term Award at Griffith University aimed at addressing the distinctive challenges facing Indonesia as it transitions to an innovation-based economy.

This Australia Awards — Short Term Awards was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Australia Awards are prestigious international Scholarships (postgraduate courses (Long Term Awards) and intensive tailored short courses (Short Term Awards) and Fellowships that offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development opportunities in support of key development and foreign affairs priorities.

Designed in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the program focuses on measurable improvements in a broad set of labour market and skills indicators.

The program addresses pre-existing challenges in the Indonesian labour market such as high youth unemployment, persistent informality and persistent gender and income inequalities.

During the pre-course program held in Jakarta, participants expressed interested in ‘digital disruption’ of the workforce as part of Industry 4.0, a term often used to describe what is believed to be the fourth stage of the industrial revolution.

To address the increasingly digitised labour market, the program will explore debates in this area from both an Australian and a global context.

Throughout the Labour Market Needs Forecasting program participants will develop a feasible project which can be implemented on their return home and to work during the post-training phase.

To find out more about Australia Awards, particularly Australia Awards in Indonesia visit Australia Awards.