New Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project grants have demonstrated Griffith University’s role in leading research initiatives impacting the community with the latest round of funding showcasing Griffith’s expertise in the field of psychology and cognitive education.

A project straddling Griffith’s Autism Centre of Excellence and the AEIOU Foundation for Children with Autism received $418,407 in ARC Funding to investigate the development of academic skills in children with autism. Chief Investigator Professor Deb Keen from the Griffith Institute for Educational Research leads a project team also including Dr Dawn Adams and Dr Kate Simpson from Griffith.

Also in the research spotlight this week are Professor Sheena Reilly, Pro Vice Chancellor, Griffith Health, and Angela Goddard at the Queensland College of Art and Griffith University Art Museum. Professor Reilly is a Chief Investigator on the NHMRC Project Grant‘Finding the first genomic loci for stuttering’through the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research which was awarded $928,990. Angela Goddard is a Chief Investigator on ‘The early years of Australian digital media arts heritage are at risk’, a Linkage Project through Flinders University which was awarded $474,159.

These announcements follow last month’s ARC Linkage Project announcement of a $390,000 grant awarded to a study led by Dr Erik Streed at the Centre for Quantum Dynamics. The ‘Memory Powered Engine’ project examines information processing in quantum thermodynamics. The funding enables Griffith to continue its pioneering role in developing this technology and to maintain long-term international collaborations. Dr Streed’s project team also includes Dr Andre Carvalho and Professor Joan Vaccaro at Griffith University.

The work of Professor Keith Hampsonat Griffith’sCities Research InstituteandProfessor Sherif Mohammadfromthe School of Engineering and Built Environmentwas also highlighted with a $436,824 grant awarded to an ‘Asset Intelligence: Maximising Operational Effectiveness for Digital Era’ project runthrough Curtin University.

The ARC’s Linkage Projects scheme supports research that brings higher education researchers and other innovative businesses together to collaborate on critical research project that address issues affecting the wider communities.