Photo credit: Thomas Oliver

Fine Art students at the Queensland College of Art have curated a new exhibition of works inspired by a recent European study tour.

Neu Latitudes: Postcards from the Other Side is showing at the POP Gallery in Fortitude Valley.

The assembled works were inspired by a three-week study tour of international art, which included visits to the Venice Biennale and Documenta, classes at the renowned Kassel College of Art, and visits to some of the world’s top galleries in Berlin and Munich.

Bachelor of Fine Art student Mark Du Potiers, who curated the exhibition, said the experience abroad had been “life changing”.

“It was an amazing opportunity to broaden my practice, and to share it with 21 other people in the arts field was fantastic. Art is often such an insular experience,” he said.

Fellow fine arts student Natalie Wood said the trip had transformed the way she thought about art.

“It was intense and exhausting, but there are some things you just can’t learn in a classroom,” she said.

“It was amazing to be immersed in contemporary art and pushed outside of your comfort zone.”

Each ofthe artists will exhibit a pair of works side-by-side — from before and after the trip.

Photo credit: Thomas Oliver

“This produces a dialogue of time and space, relationships of inspiration and influence and provides an important document of progression and change,” Mark said.

“Viewers can judge for themselves the impact of our European travels and immersion into different art contexts. Each artist’s story is unique and diverse.”

The artists featured include: Sue Baker, Helen Byers, Grace Collinson, Sean Crookes, Alannah Dair, Conchita Hurst, Richard Kirwood, Alee Lee, Kerrie Mackay, Perrin Millard, Robyn Pell, Kierra-Jay Power, Kirk Radunz, Lizzie Riek, Vicky Satchwell, Chris Underwood, Darcy Williams, Natalie Wood and Mark du Potiers (Curator), with Kahli Budd and Aaron Perkins.

Neu Latitudes: Postcards from the Other Side is showing at POP Gallery, 381 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the closing event from 5pm – 8pm on Saturday 16 February.