Griffith University celebrated the 24th year of its award-winning Industry Mentoring Program holding gala events at the Brisbane Convention Centre and The Island Bar, Gold Coast.
Organized by program manager Nicole Graham and the Careers and Employment Team, the events brought together a group of motivated individuals including industry professionals, students, graduates and key employability leaders at Griffith University.
Each group comprised an interesting mix of those yet to start their careers, some at the very beginning and others with decades of experience, all with a shared goal to improve Griffith students’ future employability prospects through mentorship.
Both events kicked off with speed networking, where mentors were grouped based on their industry and mentees rotated around to network with different groups.
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Engagement), Professor Martin Betts delivered the key note speech for the Brisbane event, and spoke highly of his experience with the program. He highlighted the Industry Mentoring Program as one of Griffith’s key employment initiatives in 2019. Martin stated to mentors.
“The contribution you are making to helping students have their lives changed, not through education but by helping them to find their first steps to employment is very special.”
Communications and Public Relations student Hannah Fraser delivered the mentee vote of thanks, bearing a glowing testimony of her experience with her mentor, Hannah Lancini, from Brisbane City Council. Hannah is soon to commence a six-week internship in Hong Kong and attributes this opportunity to her mentor’s recommendation to apply for a student exchange through Global Mobility.
“Every achievement I have celebrated through this program, my mentor has celebrated with me and it was always heart-warming to see how genuinely interested she was in helping me grow.” Hannah said/
At the Gold Coast event, the key note was delivered Professor Sarah Todd, Vice President Global, who declared the Industry Mentoring Program to be one of the founding pillars of Griffith’s employability strategy. Professor Todd also spoke about how proud she felt towards students involved in the program.
“I would like to congratulate all of the mentees. I think recognizing the need for a mentor and the importance of developing a mentor relationship while you’re still studying is just incredible.”

Troy Dobinson and Sean Jacob (Author of ‘Winners Don’t Cheat: Advice for Young Australians from Young Australians’).
The eventsrecognizedall mentors and mentees for their dedication to the program through a series of awards including “most engaged mentee” and awards for three, five and ten years of serviceformentors.A total of fivementors were awarded fortheirten years of serviceto the program.
Manager of Griffith’s Careers and Employment Service Troy Dobinson said the program continues to deliver outstanding outcomes.
“We are proud of the long-term success of this initiative and excited to see what the future holds for the Industry mentoring Program.”

Mentor Brooke Clancy (Gold Coast Suns) with Vice President (Global) Professor Sarah Todd