A passion to teach not just languages but impart knowledge about different cultures and people plays a major part of Dr Taeko Imura’s academic life.

Dr Imura, along with Griffith Film School’s Ashley Burgess, were named as the Arts, Education and Law winners at the 2018 Griffith Awards for Excellence in Teaching in the Group Excellence in Teaching category.

Teaching in the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Dr Imura came to Griffith from Japan in 1991 a decade after finishing her schooling in Kumamoto.

“I enjoy teaching and see students develop not only in language skills, but also in appreciation to different culture, society and people. My research is strongly associated with teaching and learning which focus on students, how they learn and develop,” Dr Imura said.

Dr Matthew Xerri

Dr Matthew Xerri from Griffith Business School was also named a winner in the Group Excellence category while, in Health, Dr Vinod Gopalan from the School of Medical Science and School of Medicine shared the award with the Bioscience Team of Dr Matthew Barton, Dr Michael Todorovic and Grant Williams-Pritchard (School of Nursing and Midwifery).

“It is humbling to be recognised for such an award,” Dr Xerri said.

“I would like to acknowledge my ERHR colleagues for their continued advice and support. Such recognition is pivotal in acknowledging the hard work of colleagues and further developing Griffith’s learning and teaching excellence.”

Dr Xerri’s Business School colleague, Dr Julienne Senyard of the Department of Marketing, was also recognised for her outstanding contributions, earning a Highly Commended nod from the panel.

“I truly believe as teachers we have an opportunity to shape the lives of our students through creating a a range of indelible experiences in our courses,” Dr Senyard, who teachesEntrepreneurship and New Business Ventures (2043MKT), said.

“We can open their minds to new ideas, new practices and new opportunities. These awards value these innovations and leadership in teaching practice. I’m so happy and humbled to receive this commendation.”

The awards also recognise a number of priority areas, including for sessional academics – a category won by Mrs Rebekah Strang of the School of Education and Professional Studies – and Early Career teachers, which saw GBS researcher Dr Elaine Yang earn a high commendation in the field.

Dr Elaine Yang (GBS)

“It was a great honour to receive the high commendation award as an early career teacher,” Dr Yang said. “I could not have achieved this without the support from my sessional tutors and L&T consultants.

“Also, a big shout-out to my PET and PACES mentors, Associate Professor Brett Freudenberg, Dr Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore and Dr Christoper Love for sharing their experience and wisdom!

“The most valuable thing about GAET is not the award per se, but the reflection involved in preparing the application document and the feedback from the panel. This process has encouraged me to become a better teacher.”

The University will acknowledge these remarkable teachers at the Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards on Monday, 5November at the Gold Coast.

The announcement of the recipient of the Vice Chancellor’s Award for the Griffith University Teacher of the Year will also be made on the evening.


Excellence in Teaching — Group Excellence in Teaching Awards

Arts, Education and Law
Dr Taeko Imura
School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science

Jointly with

Ashley Burgess
Griffith Film School

Griffith Business School
Dr Matthew Xerri
Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources

Highly Commended
Dr Julienne Senyard
Department of Marketing

Griffith Health
Dr Vinod Gopalan
School of Medical Science and School of Medicine

Jointly with

The Bioscience Team
Dr Matthew Barton, Dr Michael Todorovic and Grant Williams-Pritchard
School of Nursing and Midwifery

Excellence in Teaching — Priority Area Awards

Sessional Academic
Rebekah Strang
School of Education and Professional Studies

Highly Commended
Rawan Nimri
Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management

Early Career
Highly Commended
Dr Elaine Yang
Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management

Innovation in Technology Enhanced Learning

Highly Commended
Dr Karen Murphy
School of Applied Psychology

Denise Hope and Dr Gary Grant
School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology