In meeting the needs of a rapidly-changing world, Griffith University has launched a Digital campus.
Building on its extensive presence across Southeast Queensland with campuses at Nathan, Gold Coast, South Bank, Mount Gravatt and Logan, the university has now opened the virtual doors of its Digital campus to the world.
The Digital campus is already Griffith’s third largest campus and now its fastest growing campus.
“During the past 10 years the world has seen a rapiduptakeof online learning and Griffith University has been to the forefront of this educational revolution in Australia,” Professor DebraHenly, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), said.

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Professor Debra Henly
The educational infrastructure of Griffith University has been consistently updated to meet the new and emerging needs of the 21stcentury student, culminating with the launch of the Digital campus.
This sixth campus will focus on and cater for the requirements of the modern student undertaking an online program. Theparticularneeds of part-time students, for example, will inform the design and delivery ofnew and currentprograms on offer through the Digital campus.
As the range and depth of online programs has quickly increased since the turn of the millennium, Griffith University hasalsoinvested significantly in its teaching and professional staff, continuously upskilling its lecturers in the teaching practices and technology that support effective online learning.
“While the needs of the traditional on-campus student will continue to be addressed and looked after, we can also promise that students enrolling at Griffith’s Digital campus will haveaunique learning experience,” ProfessorHenlysaid.