At the Queensland College of Art (QCA) we value the diversity of our students, our community partnerships, and our strong links with creative industries. 2018 has already seen some outstanding opportunities and outcomes for our students, and I am proud to be able to bring these to you in our latest eNews.
TheGold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) was the biggest event in Australia this decade and provided a myriad of world class opportunities for our students, some of which I have highlighted here.
QCA Photography students produced a series of large scale images which were on display at the GC2018 Main Media Centrethat hosted press representatives from around the globe, providing a backdrop for live crosses and interviews during the Games, and offering students unprecedented exposure for their work.
The Australian athletes’ formal wear was given a distinctive twist, with QCA alumnus, Jenna Lee’s unique artwork emblazoned on the ties, scarves, belts and blazers. The 200,000 pieces of clothing worn by Games Shapers, included the unique and thoughtful logo designed by another QCA alumnus, Samuel Keen.
The emblem for the Queen’s baton was the creation of Elise Appleton who completed a Bachelor of Design at the QCA, and the Games Village emblem was designed by QCA Design graduate Janet Turner. The Games Village emblem represents the coming together of 6,600 athletes and team officials from all over the Commonwealth and the Games Village as the meeting place.
Griffith Film Schoolhad over 90 students and graduates working with the officialGold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Gamesbroadcaster in paid internships. The exciting roles of these interns covered all areas of the Games venues, and included responsibilities from camera assistants to audio technicians.
The 2018 Commonwealth Games really did provide some remarkable opportunities for our students.
In August 2018, the QCA will be launching two new Alumni events at South Bank, for Design and Fine Art, which will provide a networking opportunities and will help to build a supportive community of distinguished QCA alumni. Watch this space for more information.
Future QCA international partnerships include Beijing Design Week, in association with the Australian Embassy, and ‘D 751’ Beijing, central design district. QCA will also feature in the George Town Festival in Penang, Malaysia.
Beijing Design Week has become synonymous with the world of creativity and design, growing to be the biggest and, arguably the most influential Asian platform for design exhibition, promotion, exchange, and trade.TheGeorge Town Festivalis a month long annual arts festival that takes place every August. Inaugurated in 2010, the festival has since grown into a major Asian arts event, attracting about 250,000 visitors in 2015.
With all the activities and events scheduled for 2018 across our South Bank and Gold Campuses, this is promising to be our biggest year ever. I encourage you to follow our primary social media channels — Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter — for the latest news, events and information from QCA.
Professor Derrick Cherrie
Director, Queensland College of Art (QCA)
Griffith University