Griffith’s reputation as one of Australia’s leading sports universities has been reinforced by the achievements of elite student-athletes at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018).

Director of Griffith Sports College, Duncan Free OAM, has congratulated Griffith’s 41-strong contingent of competitors at the Games which included 24 students, 12 alumni, two members of staff and three athletes from Griffith Swimming Club.

The group accounted for the destination of 40 medals during GC2018, including 23 gold, seven silver and 10 bronze.Team Griffith’s remarkable medal haul was reeled in from across the sporting spectrum.

“The high quality performances and various triumphs in multiple sports have been an absolute delight,” Duncan Free (left), an Olympic gold medallist in rowing, said.

“Athletes associated with Griffith University have stood out from the crowd during the past 11 days of competition. To compete at this level requires a level of commitment that can only be achieved with the right life balance.

“We aim to do what we can at Griffith Sports College to ensure our elite athletes have the opportunity to be everything they want to be and can be on the sporting field without sacrificing other important aspects of life like their studies and future careers.

“It’s a delicate balance but the performances and medals won at the Commonwealth Games show the Griffith Sports College is playing a useful and effective part in the athletes’ lives and ambition.”

At a farewell ceremony for student-athletes at Griffith’s Gold Coast campus prior to GC2018, Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Ian O’Connor AC paid tribute to the work of the Griffith Sports College in supporting students who are elite athletes.

He drew special attention to the “high level of individual care” the Griffith Sport College offers and gives to students who are involved in high-performance sport.

“University is about the formation of the total person and sport is obviously part of that,” Professor O’Connor said. “I congratulate Duncan Free and all the academic staff at Griffith for creating an environment which is welcoming and supportive of students who want to be the best they can be.”

In the build-up to the Games, athletes including Emma Keon, Matt Denny, Shannon Parry, Michael Shelley (right) and Madison de Rozario highlighted the support they received from Griffith University and Griffith Sport College and how this enabled them to pursue their athletics goals.

Team Griffith

Current Students: Matthew Hauser (triathlon), Madison de Rozario (wheelchair athletics), Domonic Bedggood (diving), Tejaswinin Williamson (diving), Jesse Wagstaf (basketball), Brandon Wakeling (weightlifting), Stephanie Morton (cycling), Sara Tait (para triathlon), Jessica Ashwood (swimming), Georgia Bohl (swimming), Shayna Jack (swimming), Cameron McEvoy (swimming), Emma McKeon (swimming), Kiah Melverton (swimming), Leiston Pickett (swimming), Zac Stubblety-Cook (swimming), Matthew Denny (athletics), Riley Day (athletics), Liam Hunter (swimming), Skye Nicolson (boxing), John Lane (decathlon), Kelsey Cottrell (lawn bowls), Paul Adams (shooting), Georgina Friedrichs (rugby sevens).

Alumni: Michael Shelley (marathon), Shannon Parry (rugby sevens), Ash Gentle (triathlon), Deborah Acason (weightlifting), Katrin Garfoot (cycling), Chloe Hosking (cycling), Jake Fehlberg (lawn bowls, vision impaired), Tegan Napper (weightlifting), Murray Goodwin (athletics), Jordyn Holzberger (hockey), Sam Seghers (swimming), Michael Hosking (athletics).

Staff: Andrea Hams (weightlifting), Michael Bohl (swimming, coach).

Griffith Swimming Club: Madeline Groves, Grant Irvine, David McKeon.