40 years since the first cohort of students graduated, Griffith University will celebrate the inaugural winners of the Outstanding Alumni Awards.

For the first time the University will come together for a singular major awards night to be held in September.

Vice Chancellor and President Professor Ian O’Connor AC said the Outstanding Alumni Awards presentation will be a calendar highlight.

“It will be exciting to gather as one and celebrate the remarkable achievements of our alumni family and hear the amazing stories and contributions of former students from all our groups.”

Nominations are now open in the following categories:

Outstanding Alumnus Award

Celebrating remarkable alumni with more than five years work experience since their first Griffith University degree, who demonstrate sustained professional success and substantial contribution to the community.

Outstanding Young Alumnus Award

​Recognising alumni who are under 40 years of age with at least four years work experience since their first Griffith University degree, who demonstrate professional success and contribute to the community.

Outstanding International Alumnus Award

Recognising alumni who were enrolled as an international student, achieved at least 40 Credit Points of study in Griffith courses, and subsequently have at least five years work experience since their first Griffith University degree. These alumni also demonstrate professional success and contribute to the community.

Outstanding First Peoples Alumnus Award

Recognising alumni who are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage with at least five years work experience since their first Griffith University degree. These alumni also demonstrate professional success and contribute to the community.

Award winners will be announced at the Griffith University Alumni Awards dinner on Friday 7 September 2018 in Brisbane.

Griffith Business School (GBS) Alumni Award winners in 2017

“Our alumni form a dynamic network with thousands of graduates making significant contributions worldwide.

“These Awards are an opportunity for individuals to nominate Griffith alumni, who will recognised and celebrated for their valuable achievements,” Professor O’Connor said.

To find out more, or to nominate for an award visit our awards website