TheAMP University Challenge is under way for 2018, and Griffith University students once again have the opportunity to demonstrate their superlative skills and knowledge in a practical, experience-building scenario.

Griffith Business School‘s Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics(AFE) has supported the challenge since its inception at the start of the decade, with several teams enjoying success, including victorious outcomes in 2014 and 2017.

Competitors in the challenge receive a hypothetical client case study, for which they have to devise a financial plan. The teams or individuals deemed to have the best responses will then be flown from around the country to attend Finals Day at AMP’s Sydney headquarters later in the year.

The finals bracket includes an intensive day of quizzes, role playing and public speaking, though the trial is well worth the effort – first-prize winners receive $5000 for their work, not to mention a wealth of practical benefits for their careers.

“Griffith is proud to offer our aspiring financial advice and financial services professionals the chance to take part again in the AMP University Challenge, which has become a key stepping stone towards building a better, more robust industry for the next generation,” AFE Head of DepartmentProfessor Mark Brimble said.

“The University has seen its student teams enjoy great success in the competition throughout the years, and I look forward to watching 2018’s entrants make similarly strong strides as they navigate the nuances and critical complexities of the challenge.

“Such experience is simply invaluable for their vocational pursuits, especially in the swiftly changing and increasingly competitive industry landscape.”

The AMP University Challenge is open to all full- or part-time Australian tertiary students.

This year, Griffith Associate Lecturer in Financial PlanningMs Leeanne Hodgson has embedded the challenge into Trimester 1 course Retirement and Estate Planning (3204AFE), and will do the same in Trimester 2 for Financial Planning, Construction and Review (3202AFE).

See the competition’s website for more information on entering.