Queensland College of Art graduates Neil Arnett and Troy Baverstock have been nominated for the Design Institute of Australia’s Queensland Graduate of the Year Award.

The graduate designers submitted a portfolio of cutting-edge designs, ranging from a 3D printed prosthetic limb to a minimalist music system.

Troy Baverstock, whoseinnovative limbU design was featured in Griffith’s recent Remarkable campaign, said it was an honour to be nominated.

“I’ve just graduated, so recognition like this is a great way to boost your profile in the design industry,” he said.

“It also feels good that the work itself is being recognised – that all the extra blood, sweat and tears was worth it!”

Troy said studying design at the QCA had allowed him to pursue projects that he was passionate about.

“The degree allowed me the freedom to spend time in the studio developing my own work, and the skills to make my vision a reality,” he said.

Neil Arnett worked as a draughtsperson for 20 years before heading back to the QCA to study industrial design.

He said the award nomination validated his decision to come back to university as a mature age student and pursue a new career.

“My wife and I have made a lot of sacrifices to enable me to go back to university,” he said.

“But it was the best decision I’ve ever made.

“This course gave me amazing resources, like-minded people to bounce ideas off and lecturers who always encouraged me to push each idea further and make it better.”

Neil’s portfolio included a range of products designed to help in aged care and hospital settings.

“I’ve always been passionate about product design – it is really about new ways to solve problems.

“At this stage in my life, I want to help people and give something back.”

Design lecturer Dr Sam Canning said the nominees work reflected the calibre of teaching and learning at the QCA.

“This award provides emerging designers with a great platform to present their work to industry leaders both domestically and internationally,” he said.

“Our QCA nominees have produced high quality, innovative work that uses sustainable, human-centred design practices. These designs have the potential to influence change and make a real difference in peoples lives.”

The DIA Graduate of the Year Award (GOTYA) is a portfolio-based program that rewards the highest standards of excellence in final year or recent design graduates.

Find out more about Design at the Queensland College of Art.