Griffith University’s School of Education and Professional Studies and the National Institute of Education (NIE) at Nanyang Technological University signed the first pre-service student teacher exchange agreement between Australia and Singapore.
Starting from July this year, Singaporean teaching students will have the opportunity to undertake their professional placement in Southeast Queensland through the exchange agreement with the School of Education and Professional Studies.
Griffith University’s Bachelor of Education students, in return, will be able to complete placements at Singaporean schools as part of their degree, and will be hosted as exchange students by National Institute of Education (NIE).
- Names of staff present: GU: Professor Paul Mazerolle (PVC Arts, Education and Law Group); Professor Ruth Bereson (Dean Academic, Arts, Education and Law Group); Professor Donna Pendergast (Head of School, Education and Professional Studies); Associate Professor Sven Schottmann (Director Internationalisation, AEL Group); Dr Kay Hartwig (International Coordinator, School of Education and Professional Studies); Dr Mia O’Brien (Coordinator, Teacher Education & Professional Practice) NIE: Professor Tan Oon Seng (Director, National Institute of Education); Associate Professor Ivy Tan Geok Chin (Associate Dean, Practicum & Partnerships, Office of Teacher Education); Mr Sunny Sitoe (Manager, International and School Partnerships, Office of Teacher Education).