Griffith University’s most recent scholarship recipient hadn’t even decided where she wanted to study until a visit to the Tertiary Studies Expo in 2017. But after discovering all the opportunities Griffith Business School could offer her in the tourism and hospitality sector, Georgia Kelly says her mind was made up.

“The staff really sold it to us,” the 18-year-old explains. “They really took the time to speak to me and explain what the course and the University could give me. And Griffith had so much to offer in terms of scholarships and international experience and study abroad that it made the choice easy.”

The incoming Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management student was recently awarded the Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) Academic Excellence Scholarship, which will see her receive $15,000 over her degree to help with her educational aspirations.

“Having this scholarship will give me the safety of not having to work five days a week, so I can concentrate on my studies. I said in my application that I really value the balance between work, study and keeping up a social life, so winning the financial assistance will go a big way towards achieving that.”

Having lived in China, Jakarta and Dubai for most of her life, Georgia also knows the value of international experiences and is looking forward to being able to partake in Griffith’s global internship offerings. “My scholarship will allow me to buy flights, live, and have the financial security to have that time off work to further my international work experience. Having a global perspective will hopefully put me ahead in this business,” she says.

Georgia Kelly Griffith Business School

Georgia Kelly at her Soda Apartments workplace.

Leaving her family and boyfriend behind in China — her parents are international teachers — Georgia made the decision to come back to Australia solo to further her education. She’s currently working as a receptionist at Soda Apartments, a hotel in South Brisbane, and is really looking forward to applying the theories she’ll learn in lectures to her work.

“I’ve really learnt how to communicate with people,” she says of her workplace, “and I feel like that’s really going to push me forward when I do go to get internships or jobs in the future.

“It’s real-life experience. Everything I will learn at the University I can put into practice here.”

She says everyone should have a go at applying for the Griffith scholarships because you never know the outcome, and the financial assistance can be life-changing. “I didn’t really think I’d win and was so thrilled when I did. It’s going to change so much for me.

“Also I can now say I’m a scholarship recipient, which will hopefully appeal to future employers.”

She says she’s so pleased she ended up choosing Griffith from all the other universities she was considering because they’ve already given her so much to aspire to and she hasn’t even commenced her studies yet.

“Living in China has completely opened my mind to the importance of international experience so the options to study abroad really appealed to me. Not to mention Griffith is number one in Australia for the course I am going into.”

Georgia says she felt instantly welcomed by the GBS Open Day crew and that helped make her mind up. “The staff were willing to stop and have a chat, told me I could contact them directly if I had questions… No other university took the time to do that. It makes potential students feel like they’re really wanted and will be a great addition to the university, not just like they’re another number in the crowd.

“The staff I spoke to even personally encouraged me to apply for the scholarships and sent me through the links I needed,” she says. “I felt really welcomed and heard of all these great things that set Griffith apart, and knew I wanted to go there.

“I hope that I can show the University and from that show employers what I am capable of and I hope the scholarship allows me to do that throughout the whole course, rather than just at the end.”

Griffith Business School Scholarship applications are still open. Apply now.