Nationalism, populism… or pragmatism in an evolving context?

Business and government
It’s not uncommon to see China under President Xi Jinping labelled as ‘nationalistic’ and ‘populist’ — along with Trump and Brexit. But should they be lumped together? And how should foreign business engaging with China react? Adjunct Professor Clinton Dines shared his thoughts on these and other questions at a public event hosted by Griffith […]

The troubling reality of Southeast Asia’s ‘democratic recession’

Business and government
By Dr Diego Fossatiand Dr Lee Morgenbesser Griffith Asia Institute and the Centre for Governance and Public Policy The notion that democracy had triumphed over authoritarianism became an irresistible conclusion following the downfall of the Soviet Union. In what amounted to a historic transformation, 46 countries transitioned to democracy between 1991 and 2006. This process […]