The Griffith MBA, built on core values including sustainable business practices, has earned a Top 20 place in a leading global ranking list.

The program placed 16th overall in the Corporate Knights Better World MBA ranking, and 1st in the Asia-Pacific region.

Associate Professor Chris Fleming, Director of the Griffith MBA, said he was delighted the program had been recognised for their commitment to producing graduates who are equipped for the challenges of the 21st century.

“This ranking is a reflection of the Griffith MBA core values of responsible leadership and sustainable business practices and the hard work of our academic staff to making sure these core values are embedded throughout,” he said.

The Corporate Knights Better World MBA ranking is now in its 15th year, with programs assessed on currriculum, institutes and centres, and faculty research.

See the full Top 40 list here.

Read Corporate Knights’ article ‘Greening the business of business educationhere.