Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk officially handed the Parklands Development to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC) during the weekend for its transformation into the Commonwealth Games Village.

The occasion was also marked by the unveiling of the Games Village emblem fittingly designed by Griffith University graphic design student, Janet Turner (pictured).

The Village 2018 emblem represents the coming together of 6,600 athletes and team officials from all over the Commonwealth and the Games Village as the meeting place.

“The emblem design was inspired by the Gold Coast’s natural beauty, promoting a fun and relaxed environment for athletes,” Premier Palaszczuk said.

“The emblem is also inspired by the Village itself with the central water feature drawing together the six residential zones, represented as a meeting place.”

Griffith sport development student Domonic Bedgood, who won gold in diving at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, also attended and addressed the formal handover event.

Premier Palaszczuk said the fact that GOLDOC would now take possession of the site was another significant milestone in the journey towards 4 April, 2018.

The construction phase of the development has seen 6,000 jobs created and supplied opportunities for local business, she added.

During the coming months Parklands will be transformed through the fitout of 1,170 apartments and 82 townhouses.

“This precinct will become the heartbeat of the Games, where athletes and team officials will bask in an environment conducive to achieving their very best,” Premier Palaszczuk said.