It’s a good time to be embarking on a career in financial planning.
That was one of the key messages delivered during a campus visit by Kerr Nielson and Liz Norman from Platinum Asset Management.
“This is a profession in the making, it’s wide open,” Mr Nielson told students.
As thefounder and managing director of Platinum, Mr Neilson was at Griffith University to present eight scholarships on behalf of his company and The Neilson Foundation.
Olivia Tregoning was one of the recipientsselected from a highly competitive field.
“I’m so grateful for the opportunity Platinum Asset Management offers us,” she said.
“The chanceto meet Kerr Neilson and hear from him is incredible.”

Platinum Asset Management and The Neilson Foundation scholarship recipients for 2017: Mitchell Kelsey, Samuel Russell, Olivia Tregoning, Wesley Hunt, Matthew Tape, Nathan Thomas, Matthew Jones and Diogo Rodrigues.
The partnership between Griffith University and Platinum Asset Management has developed over the past three years.
“And like a good share portfolio, this partnership has grown,” said Professor Martin Betts, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Engagement), noting the significance of this investment in Griffith Business School students.
Kerr Neilson emphasised that this was a career for people interested in helping others, but he did have one warning for aspiring planners- once you’re involved in the financial markets, you’re hooked.
“When you think about the world and the changes it’s going through, there’s no better way to delve into them than through the markets,” he said.