Associate Professor Ian Glendon from the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing will be presenting a special seminar Tuesday regarding organisational identification (OID) and its relationship with antecedent and criterion variables.

“I think if people identify with the organisation that they are in then it has a sort of iterative context. People feel more comfortable working there or being there,” Glendon said.

“From an organisations point of view, if most of the people working for you identify with you, you are more likely to have a happier and productive workforce. Although having said that, when we looked at productivity as an outcome we have not found an association, but that is not to say there isn’t one, it is just difficult to find.”

Associate Professor Glendon’s seminar will break down the OID theory and explain how analysing some key variables such as job satisfaction, longevity and job prestige may help organisations make predictions about certain outcomes in the future.

“The prime outcome that we look at are absences, so to what extent can the degree of organisation identification predict that someone will be absent more times from their workplace,” said Glendon.

“Intention to quit is another one, the more you identify with an organisation the less likely you will look for employment elsewhere.”

Ian Glendon BA(Hons), MBA(Dist), PhD, is with the School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia. He has held full-time or visiting positions at universities in Beijing, Birmingham, Brisbane, Edinburgh, Hong Kong, and Manchester.

An organisational psychologist, his research interests include: safety culture/climate, safety/risk management, traffic/transportation psychology, and driver stress/behaviour.

The seminar will take place on Tuesday, May 16th in room – 1.18 in building N72 at 10 am.