Griffith graduates feature in world’s biggest contemporary art exhibit

Two graduates from the Queensland College of Art have been chosen to exhibit at Documenta 14, the world’s most prestigious contemporary art event. Doctoral candidate Dale Harding and Masters graduate Gordon Hookey are among just three Australian artists invited to show their work at Documenta. The blockbuster exhibition is held every five years in Kassel, Germany and features the best contemporary artists from around the world.

Griffith to host Voices in Paradise

Arts Education Law
Griffith is giving young singers a chance to join the a cappella revolution. Next month, the university’s Gold Coast campus will host Voices in Paradise, an all-day workshop and concert celebrating the power of song.

Reducing ineffective autism practices

Arts Education Law
Reducing the use of ineffective practices in autism early intervention is the focus of a new Griffith University study. “Autism has been described as a “fad magnet’ as it attracts a wide array of potential interventions,’’ says Professor Deb Keen from the Autism Centre of Excellence. “These interventions have varying levels of effectiveness leaving both […]

Will Trump’s new tax system work?

Department of Business Strategy and Innovation
The current international company taxation system goes all the way back to 1923 and a ‘Report on Double Taxation’ solicited by the League of Nations. It was a time when the word “wireless” described radio communication and air travel was still not a regular means of transport. Most firms were national, and value chains were concentrated in one place.