Science student Cameron McEvoy has been named Griffith University’s Games Champion to promote the University’s official partnership with the GoldCoast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018).

Cameron was a clear choice as Griffith’s Games Champion as he embodies the partnerships purpose of combining study and sport in order to achieve great things.

Cameron’s role will raise awareness of the University’s ongoing partnership with the Games and the experience of a lifetime that it offers the broader Griffith University community.

As an Official Partner of GC2018, Griffith University staff and students enjoy unrivalled opportunities to become closely involved in the biggest sporting event to be held in Australia this decade.

This includes the opportunity to place approximately 250 students across a number of disciplines in internships with the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC), the organising body for GC2018.

“I’m excited to have been working with Griffith University to highlight this partnership with GC2018 and help promote the unique opportunities available to the Griffith community,” says Cameron.

“There is a great vibe on campus around the Games and I am happy to be part of it. Between the benefits available through the partnership, the construction of the new Aquatic Centre on campus and the Commonwealth Games Village being built across the road, GC2018 is very real for the Griffith community.

“Griffith University has been a great supporter of my swimming career. It has given me the opportunity to follow my passion in the pool while also studying for my future.”

Cameron’s role as Griffith University’s Games Champion follows his appointment as an Official Ambassador for GC2018 in September.

Science student Cameron McEvoy is congratulated by Vice Chancellor and President Professor Ian O'Connor, following the official announcement.

Science student Cameron McEvoy is congratulated by Vice Chancellor and President Professor Ian O’Connor, following the official announcement.

Griffith University Vice Chancellor and President Professor Ian O’Connor said Cameron’s new role will bring to light the depth of the University’s commitment to GC2018 and the broad opportunities it has opened for students and staff.

“The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games has become an integral part of the student experience at Griffith University on so many levels,” Professor O’Connor said.

“It not only offers unique opportunities for work experience at a major international event, but it aligns closely with Griffith University’s commitment to excellence.

“We are proud to call Cameron Griffith University’s Games Champion as he epitomises the ideals we hold dearly at this University.

“Cameron has shown a firm commitment to study while managing the pressures of performing at an elite sporting level. His drive and passion for excellence is a true inspiration, and these are qualities shared by all of us at Griffith University.”