Griffith University today affirms its place among the leading young institutions in the world with the release of the Top 50 Universities Under 50 rankings.

The QS Top 50 rankings place Griffith 34th in the world among universities less than 50 years old.

Griffith opened its doors in 1975 to 451 students at one campus. Today it hosts 50,000 students across five campuses in southeast Queensland as well as online.

The Top 50 announcement follows the QS World University Rankings last week which placed Griffith among the top 400 of all universities in the world, regardless of age.

“The impact that Griffith researchers, teachers, students and alumni are having across the globe is truly remarkable,” Vice Chancellor Professor Ian O’Connor said.

“We are proud of being recognised among the rising, young institutions globally.”

The QS Top 50 ranked Griffith 37th last year.