A stage adaptation of renowned Nick Cave novel AndThe Ass Saw the Angel,starring a cast of 16 Griffith University theatre students, opens at the Metro Arts Theatre on September 27.

Alternating between the past, present and future, The Ballad of Euchrid Eucrow,written and directed by Griffith’s Dr Linda Hassall promises to walk afine line between exquisite beauty and brutality.


“Rife with Cave’s personal religious conflicts, the gothic-baroque narrative is a scalding commentary on persecution, fanaticism and in a contemporary sense, politicised fundamentalism and social terrorism,” she says.

“I’vealways loved the novel and had longwanted to adapt it for the stage.

“The rights are difficult to get, but fortunately I was lucky and was awarded the opportunity to adapt the novel by Penguin UK.”

The playtells the story of outcast mute, Euchrid Eucrow and his life in the oppressive, prejudiced and devoutly religious community of Ukulore.


Adapting this novel to stage brought a myriad of challenges, as well as the wonderful opportunity for Applied Theatre students to focus their skills into a unique and compelling performance.

“It’s a challenging text to adapt forthe stage as it oscillates back and forth, between the past, the present and thefuture,” Dr Hassall said.

“Some of the themes are brutal and there are some moments of exquisite beauty. Entwined throughout thenarrative Cave’s voice resonates strongly, commenting, analysing, tearingapart his own story as he demands we consider ourown positions on intolerance, hatred and thepersecution of those who are different.”

With the hard work and sheer talent of the Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary and Applied Theatre students, Dr Hassall manages to bring a complex and multifaceted story to life.

“It has been a challenging journey for the creative team, myself included,” Dr Hassall said.

“And sometimesconfronting, as the themes investigated often conflict with our own personal ethics, morals and beliefs. However the students have risen to the challenge.”

Performances are set to begin from September 27 at the Sue Benner Metro Arts Theatre on Edward Street, with tickets available online throughGriffithPay.

What: AndThe Ass Saw the Angel (Stage Adaptation by Dr. Linda Hassall)

When:Tuesday September 27 -Saturday, October 17.30pm, matinee at 2pm Saturday.

Where:Sue Benner Theatre Metro Arts 109 Edward St Brisbane QLD 4000

Tickets:$25 Full or $18 Concession

By Communications Intern James Giersh