A closer understanding of the personal risk factors around suicide in farmers is the outcome of new research from Griffith University’s Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP).

The Australian Research Council– funded research is released in time for this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10).

The researchfinds that contrary to common belief, suicide does not occur out of the blue, but rather as a result of significant protracted distress due to issues such as relationship breakdown, long-term mental health issues or financial difficulties/imminence of retirement.

The study isthe first of its kind and was conducted in collaboration with the University of Newcastle and the Queensland Mental Health Commission, involving extensive interviews with 18 next-of-kin relatives of male farmers who died of suicide between 2007 and 2014 in Queensland and New South Wales.

Farming stressunique

“As we know, suicide among farming communities remains a real problem in rural and remote areas,” says researcher Ms Lisa Kunde.

“We found from the study that farming is a very unique occupation, different from the usual city worker, with long hours that typically cover every day of the week. Farmers often work without many breaks and suffer seasonal issues such as drought.

“However, we have found from these family interviews that these are often just the background issues to the main life trajectories which often include personal relationship, mental health and financial issues.

“Additionally, we also identified another group which was farmers with established psychiatric disorders and for whom a protracted suicide process was implied.

“Often, it appeared there were long distances to be travelled to get the proper treatment. Getting adequate rest time after treatment was another issue for farmers who were anxious about being away from work for too long.

“For some farmers, it seems the suicidal process is protracted,” says Ms Kunde. “For others it is acute and brief. Such findings should provide guidance for the provision of suicide prevention strategies, psychological support and the development of health promotion resources in rural and remote communities.”

Connect, Communicate, Care’ is the theme of this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10 2016).

The Community Day Forum hosted by AISRAP, a WHO CollaboratingCentre for Research and Training in Suicide Prevention, is being held at theGreek Club in Brisbane and will feature a range of speakers including Dr Lesley van Schoubroeck, QLD Commissioner for Mental Health, as well as speakers from AISRAP and organisations such as Suicide Prevention Australia, Northern Queensland Primary Health Network, University of Southern Queensland, University of Western Australia.




What: World Suicide Prevention Day Community Forum hosted by Griffith’sAustralian Institute for Suicide Prevention and Research.

When: Friday September 9. Registration 8am, concluding 4.30pm, with a‘Connect, Communicate and Care’ Networking function from 5-7pm.

Where: The Greek Club, ground floor Odyssey Taverna, 29 Edmondstone St, South Brisbane, 4101.

Cost: $55 for the whole day forum. Networking function additional $10 registration.

Registration: Click here to register for the World Suicide Prevention Day Community Forum

For more event informationvisit theAustralian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention


For help or information call Lifeline on 13 11 14, Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or MensLine Australia on 1300 78 99 78 or visit beyondblue.org.au.